Purpose of my Video channel. Ashok Gupta Kinkar

Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :


This is a 30 min. interview at tatasky about srimadbhagwad gita ki by ashok Gupta.

Ship loading
This video is about scrap metal loading in a ship at a UK sea port

How to save from common frauds in Imports:

One sample workshop about Imports:

This video channel is created for my friends and family of WhatsApp and YouTube . Here I keep those videos which inspires me and motivates me and which I like.

Name : Ashok Gupta
Delhi INDIA.
Contact phone & Watsap: +91 9810890743

 Also here I want to introduce myself for the benefit of the people who wants to contact me without hesitation :

My small introduction is that I have spent 11yrs in USA, 5 in Dubai and 5 yrs in Germany doing import of Handicrafts Garments Jewellery and Gold & Diamond jewellery. 

My second business is to help companies in bringing out public issue of their company.
I am giving consultancy in these Fields. For institutions, collage, associations, it is Free social service. All are invited without any obligation on either side.
On spiritual side shri gitaji ramcharit manas bhagwatam are subjects of my study and interest. And I give free inspiring talks to groups. My Dikchit name is Shrikrishna das Kinkar.

I have associate offices in USA and China and Dubai.

My India Contact Address is :
Ashok Gupta
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India.
Phone & watsapp : +91 9810890743

Krishna imports and portfolio consultant.

Google : Ashok gupta kinkar
Sri Gita society of USA
USA China dubai

Some of my links :-

Link to my facebook :
Link to my LinkedIn :
Link to My blog reg imports- https://worldisahome.blogspot.in/search?q=Import&m=1
Link to my interview aired on Tatasky :
Link to my u tube:

About Import Training.

🍁There are a lot of enquiries to know what is this".Start-up India Academy " ❓
🌷 स्टार्टअप इंडिया हेल्प ग्रुप दिल्ली 🍁

 यह एक कंसलटेंसी है जो इंपोर्ट करने वालों को हेल्प करती है फोन पर सारी जानकारी फ्री है

this is a import consultancy where we give jump start to persons who already know import business and to those who do not know anything about imports.

We have programme of workshops for the benefits of aspirants who want to learn Imports and exports.

🇬🇾 BENEFITS of this workshop;

· 🚩   Practical understanding Case Studies + Sharing Practical Experience from Concern Expert

·  🚩  To Start Your Own Export Import Business or May Work as Export Import Consultant

·🚩    Opportunities for Jobs in Exclusive Export Import Organizations, Shipping Line / Air Line, Banking @National & International

There are four levels of workshop :

1. Gold level . 1.3 hr it's one time registration is 2100.

2. Diamond level. 3 for starting own business; 5100.

3. For opening own franchise in your town : 11,000.
4. For corporate training: 21,000.

For exact slot on desired day , pay by paytm in advance.

For reservation
Contact Director

after one registration you join this group for ever . all Consultancy you get regular guidance from us after doing these workshops.

you can start business within a month after joining this group . all information on phone will be given free of cost .
Following are some video clips regarding import you can get an idea from them.

Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :






This is a 30 min. interview at tatasky about srimadbhagwad gita ki by ashok Gupta.


Ship loading
This video is about scrap metal loading in a ship at a UK sea port


How to save from common frauds in Imports:


One sample workshop about Imports:


There is a program to open franchise in all the major cities and towns of India. Those want to open the franchise in their city and town may also contact us :

Ashok Gupta
Program Director
import and Portfolio Consultants
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India
phone and WhatsApp : +91 9 8 1 0 8 9 0 7 4 3

please don't hesitate to call all calls are welcome an d answered properly . Hare Krishna

Ashok Gupta + Shrikrishnadas Kinkar: My brief introduction

🍁My brief introduction is:

My name is Ashok Gupta.
I live in Delhi India.

My small introduction is that I am 64 age. I have spent 11yrs in USA, 5 in Dubai and 5 yrs in Germany doing import of Handicrafts Garments Jewellery and Gold & Diamond jewellery.
My second business is to help companies in bringing out public issue of their company.
I am giving consultancy in these Fields. For institutions, collage, associations, it is Free social service. All are invited without any obligation on either side.
On spiritual side shri gitaji ramcharit manas bhagwatam are subjects of my study and interest. And I give free inspiring talks to groups. My Dikchit name is Shrikrishna das Kinkar.

I live in India. I have associate offices in USA and China and Dubai.
My India Contact Address is :
Ashok Gupta
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India.
Phone & watsapp : +91 9810890743

Krishna imports and portfolio consultant.
Google : Ashok gupta kinkar
Sri Gita society of USA

USA China dubai

Some of my links :-

Link to my facebook :
Link to my LinkedIn :
Link to My blog reg imports- https://worldisahome.blogspot.in/search?q=Import&m=1
Link to my interview aired on Tatasky :
Link to my u tube:


How to learn Imports. From where to get training.

About Import Training.

🍁There are a lot of enquiries to know what is this".Start-up India Academy " ❓
🌷 स्टार्टअप इंडिया हेल्प ग्रुप दिल्ली 🍁

 यह एक कंसलटेंसी है जो इंपोर्ट करने वालों को हेल्प करती है फोन पर सारी जानकारी फ्री है

this is a import consultancy where we give jump start to persons who already know import business and to those who do not know anything about imports.

We have programme of workshops for the benefits of aspirants who want to learn Imports and exports.

🇬🇾 BENEFITS of this workshop;

· 🚩   Practical understanding Case Studies + Sharing Practical Experience from Concern Expert

·  🚩  To Start Your Own Export Import Business or May Work as Export Import Consultant

·🚩    Opportunities for Jobs in Exclusive Export Import Organizations, Shipping Line / Air Line, Banking @National & International

There are four levels of workshop :

1. Gold level . 1.3 hr it's one time registration is 2100.
2. Diamond level. 3 for starting own business; 5100.
3. For opening own franchise in your town : 11,000.
4. For corporate training: 21,000.

For exact slot on desired day , pay by paytm in advance.

For reservation
Contact Director

after one registration you join this group for ever . all Consultancy you get regular guidance from us after doing these workshops.

you can start business within a month after joining this group . all information on phone will be given free of cost .
Following are some video clips regarding import you can get an idea from them.

Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :


This is a 30 min. interview at tatasky about srimadbhagwad gita ki by ashok Gupta.

Ship loading
This video is about scrap metal loading in a ship at a UK sea port

How to save from common frauds in Imports:

One sample workshop about Imports:

There is a program to open franchise in all the major cities and towns of India. Those want to open the franchise in their city and town may also contact us :

Ashok Gupta
Program Director
import and Portfolio Consultants
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India
phone and WhatsApp : +91 9 8 1 0 8 9 0 7 4 3

please don't hesitate to call all calls are welcome an d answered properly . Hare Krishna

3 बातों ने पूरे देश को हिलाकर रख दिया

तीन बुरी खबरों ने देश को हिला दिया...?

{1} _12000 करोड़ की रेमण्ड कम्पनी का मालिक आज बेटे की बेरुखी के कारण किराये के घर में रह रहा है।_

{2} _अरबपति महिला मुम्बई के पॉश इलाके के अपने करोड़ो के फ्लैट में पूरी तरह गल कर कंकाल बन गयी! विदेश में बहुत बड़ी नौकरी करने वाले करोड़पति बेटे को पता ही नहीं माँ कब मर गयी।_

{3} _सपने सच कर आई. ए. एस. का पद पाये बक्सर के क्लेक्टर ने तनाव के कारण आत्महत्या की।_

ये तीन घटनायें बताती हैं जीवन में पद पैसा प्रतिष्ठा ये सब कुछ काम का नहीं। यदि आपके जीवन में खुशी संतुष्टी और अपने नहीं हैं तो कुछ भी मायने नहीं रखता।

वरना एक क्लेक्टर को क्या जरुरत थी जो उसे आत्महत्या करना पड़ा।

खुशियाँ पैसो से नहीं मिलती अपनों से मिलती है।_
क्योकि सीता जब राम के
पास थी तो उसे सोने का
हिरण चाहिए था मगर वही सीता जब सोने के
लंका मे गयी तो
उन्हे राम चाहिए था
इसलिए पैसा तो होता है
पर सब कुछ नही होता
पैसा बहुत कुछ है, लेकिन सब कुछ नही है।

जीवन आनन्द के लिए है, चाहे जो हों बस मुस्कुराते रहो...?_

_यदि आप चिंतित हो, तो खुद को थोड़ा आराम दों कुछ आइसक्रीम, चॉकलेट, केक लो_

ये अंग्रेजी वर्ण हमें सिखाते हैं :-
A B C....?
Avoid Boring Company​
_​मायूस संगत से दूरी​_

_D E F...?_
Dont Entertain Fools​
_​मूर्खो पर समय व्यर्थ मत करों_

_G H I...?_
Go For High Ideas​
_​ऊँचे विचार रखो​_

*J K L M...?_Just Keep A Friend Like Me​ मेरे जैसा मित्र रखों*

_N O P...?_
Never Overlook The Poor n Suffering​
_​गरीब व पीड़ित को कभी अनदेखा मत करों_

_Q R S...?_
Quit Reacting To Silly Tales​_
_​मूर्खो को प्रतिक्रिया मत दो​_

_T U V...?_
Tune Urself For Ur Victory​
_​खुद की जीत सुनिश्चित करों_

_W X Y Z...?_
We Xpect You To Zoom Ahead In Life​
_​हम आपसे जीवन मे आगे देखने की आशा करते हैं_

यदि आपने चाँद को देखा, तो आपने ईश्वर की सुन्दरता देखी!

यदि आपने सूर्य को देखा, तो आपने ईश्वर का बल देखा!

और यदि आपने आईना देखा तो आपने ईश्वर की सबसे सुंदर रचना देखी!

इसलिए स्वयं पर विश्वास रखो.

जीवन में हमारा उद्देश्य होना चाहिए :-

​9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0​

_9 - गिलास पानी_
_8 - घण्टे नींद_
_7 - यात्रायें परिवार के साथ_
_6 - अंकों की आय_
_5 - दिन हफ्ते में काम_
_4 - चक्का वाहन_
_3 - बेडरूम वाला फ्लैट_

_2 - अच्छे बच्चें_
_1 - जीवन साथी_
_0 - चिन्ता...?_

ये सिर्फ Message नहीं एक सीख है।

training learning paractice study imports and exports in international business

About Import Training.

🍁There are a lot of enquiries to know what is this".Start-up India Academy " ❓
🌷 स्टार्टअप इंडिया हेल्प ग्रुप दिल्ली 🍁

 यह एक  कंसलटेंसी  है जो इंपोर्ट करने वालों को हेल्प करती है फोन पर सारी जानकारी फ्री है

this is a import consultancy where we give jump start to  persons who already know import business and to those who do not know anything about imports.

We have programme of workshops for the benefits of aspirants who want to learn Imports and exports.

🇬🇾 BENEFITS of this workshop;

· 🚩   Practical understanding Case Studies + Sharing Practical Experience from Concern Expert

·  🚩  To Start Your Own Export Import Business or May Work as Export Import Consultant

·🚩    Opportunities for Jobs in Exclusive Export Import Organizations, Shipping Line / Air Line, Banking @National & International

There are four  levels of workshop :

1. Gold level . 1.3 hr it's one time registration is 2100.
2. Diamond level. 3 for starting own business;  5100.
3. For opening own franchise in your town : 11,000.
4.  For corporate training: 21,000.

For exact slot on desired day , pay by paytm in advance.

For reservation
Contact Director

after one registration you join this group for ever .  all Consultancy you get regular guidance from us after doing these  workshops.

you can start business within a month after joining this group .  all information on phone will be given free of cost .
Following are some video clips regarding import you can get an idea from them.

Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :


This is a 30 min. interview at tatasky about srimadbhagwad gita ki by ashok Gupta.

Ship loading
This video is about scrap metal loading in a ship at a UK sea port

How to save from common frauds in Imports:

One sample workshop about Imports:

There is a program to open franchise in all the major cities and towns of India.   Those want to open the franchise in their city and town may also contact us :

Ashok Gupta
Program Director
import and Portfolio Consultants
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India
phone and WhatsApp : +91 9 8 1 0 8 9 0 7 4 3

please don't hesitate to call all calls are welcome an d answered properly . Hare Krishna

scrap steel becomes molten steel in induction furnace in mandigobindgar...

this video clip is from my visit to a furnace in mandigobindgarh, near Ludhiana Punjab, India on 17 december , 2010 with my friends and one friend mr mayour patel from usa.

the scrap business is a very profitable business with quick returns and with a geomatrical growth 

here you see different stages of the melting process.  in short , there is a Induction furnace, in which all the scrap iron is poured very fast by the help of crane.  when it is melted, then all of that is poured in the moulds.

then moulds are lifted and the new iron comes out which is called ingot which weighs many kilos more then 100 kgs.

this is the raw material for the rolling mills , which converts it into the desired shape such as tmt iron rods, slipper, garder, channel etc.

not much can be written here, so you are encouraged to ask me individually without any hesitation or obligation.

we also conduct the import courses where we train the people from scratch by our one day workshops, details are given down below.

in nutshell the scrap business is a very pfrofitable business with quick returns and with a geomatrical growth, by which you can multiply money 100 times in a year (looks unrealistic O.K,  for this you can seperately talk to us ).

just to give you a rough idea, you can start it with just one million dollors or less and can make around 100 million in one year. we will tell you the full flow chart.

This video channel is created for my friends and family of WhatsApp and YouTube .  Here I keep those videos which inspires me and motivates me and which I like.

Name : Ashok Gupta

Delhi INDIA.

Contact phone & Watsap: +91 9810890743

 Also here I want to introduce myself for the benefit of the people who wants to contact me without hesitation :

My small introduction is that I have spent 11yrs in USA, 5 in Dubai and 5 yrs in Germany doing import of Handicrafts Garments Jewellery and Gold & Diamond jewellery. 

My second business is to help companies in bringing out  public issue of their company.

I am giving consultancy in these Fields. For institutions, collage, associations,  it is Free  social service.  All are invited without any obligation on either side.

On spiritual side shri gitaji ramcharit manas bhagwatam are subjects of my study and interest. And I give free inspiring talks to groups. My Dikchit name is Shrikrishna das Kinkar.

I have associate offices in USA and China and Dubai.

Some of my links :-

Link to my facebook :


Link to my LinkedIn :


Link to My blog reg imports- https://worldisahome.blogspot.in/search?q=Import&m=1

Link to my interview aired on Tatasky :


Link to my u tube:



About Import Training.

There are a lot of enquiries to know what is this".Start-up India Academy "

this is a import consultancy where we give jump start to  persons who already know import business and to those who do not know anything about imports.

We have programme of workshops for the benefits of aspirants who want to learn Imports and exports.

BENEFITS of this workshop;

• Practical understanding Case Studies + Sharing Practical Experience from Concern Expert

•  To Start Your Own Export Import Business or May Work as Export Import Consultant

• Opportunities for Jobs in Exclusive Export Import Organizations, Shipping Line / Air Line, Banking @National & International

There are four  levels of workshop :

1. Gold level . 1.3 hr it's one time registration is 2100.

2. Diamond level. 3 for starting own business;  5100.

3. For opening own franchise in your town : 11,000.

4.  For corporate training: 21,000.

For exact slot on desired day , pay by paytm in advance.

after one registration you join this group for ever .  all Consultancy you get regular guidance from us after doing these  workshops.

you can start business within a month after joining this group .  all information on phone will be given free of cost .

Following are some video clips regarding import you can get an idea from them.

Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :






This is a 30 min. interview


Ship loading


How to save from common frauds in Imports:


One sample workshop


 Those want to open the franchise in their city and town may also contact us :

Ashok Gupta

Program Director

import and Portfolio Consultants

153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India

phone and WhatsApp : +91 9 8 1 0 8 9 0 7 4 3

जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ

जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ

पूछता था में नदी से राह में क्या-क्या हुआ
एक दिन उसने कहा जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ

बूंद सागर से बिछड़ कर खो गई आकाश में
 फिर बरस कर उसने कहा जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ

जिंदगी भर का तजुर्बा चंद  लफ्जों में कहूं
 बेवजह है फ़िक्र सारी जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ

इसलिए यह कहा जाएगा जो होगा अच्छा होगा

उपरोक्त लाइनें मुझे आचार्य रवीश अग्रवाल जी से प्राप्त हुई हैं उनका हार्दिक धन्यवाद है


About Import Training.

🍁There are a lot of enquiries to know what is this".Start-up India Academy " ❓
🌷 स्टार्टअप इंडिया हेल्प ग्रुप दिल्ली 🍁

 यह एक  कंसलटेंसी  है जो इंपोर्ट करने वालों को हेल्प करती है फोन पर सारी जानकारी फ्री है

this is a import consultancy where we give jump start to  persons who already know import business and to those who do not know anything about imports.

We have programme of workshops for the benefits of aspirants who want to learn Imports and exports.

🇬🇾 BENEFITS of this workshop;

· 🚩   Practical understanding Case Studies + Sharing Practical Experience from Concern Expert

·  🚩  To Start Your Own Export Import Business or May Work as Export Import Consultant

·🚩    Opportunities for Jobs in Exclusive Export Import Organizations, Shipping Line / Air Line, Banking @National & International

There are four  levels of workshop :

1. Gold level . 1.3 hr it's one time registration is 2100.
2. Diamond level. 3 for starting own business;  5100.
3. For opening own franchise in your town : 11,000.
4.  For corporate training: 21,000.

For exact slot on desired day , pay by paytm in advance.

For reservation
Contact Director

after one registration you join this group for ever .  all Consultancy you get regular guidance from us after doing these  workshops.

you can start business within a month after joining this group .  all information on phone will be given free of cost .
Following are some video clips regarding import you can get an idea from them.

Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :


This is a 30 min. interview at tatasky about srimadbhagwad gita ki by ashok Gupta.

Ship loading
This video is about scrap metal loading in a ship at a UK sea port

How to save from common frauds in Imports:

One sample workshop about Imports:

There is a program to open franchise in all the major cities and towns of India.   Those want to open the franchise in their city and town may also contact us :

Ashok Gupta
Program Director
import and Portfolio Consultants
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India
phone and WhatsApp : +91 9 8 1 0 8 9 0 7 4 3

please don't hesitate to call all calls are welcome an d answered properly . Hare Krishna

who will win this election ? who has arrangement with the media. see who owns the media in india .

Who owns the media in India ?

Eeenadu: Still to date controlled by an Indian named Ramoji Rao. Ramoji Rao is connected with film industry and owns a huge studio in Andhra Pradesh.

NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain Supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because Pakistan President has allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan . Indian CEO Prannoy Roy is co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of the Communist party of India . His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.
India Today which used to be the only national weekly which supported BJP is now bought by NDTV!! Since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing.
CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church with its branches in all over the world with HQ in US.. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian head is Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.
Times group list:
Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust, Femina, Vijay Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more...
Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. 'World Christian Council¢ does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.

Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontifical Church Melbourne.

Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with Times Group.

The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne , Switzerland .. N. Ram's wife is a Swiss national.

Indian Express: Divided into two groups. The Indian Express and new Indian Express (southern edition) ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and latter is still with the Indian counterpart.

Andhra Jyothi: The Muslim party of Hyderabad known as MIM along with a Congress Minister has purchased this Telugu daily very recently.

The Statesman: It is controlled by Communist Party of India. 

Kairali TV: It is controlled by Communist party of India (Marxist)

Mathrubhoomi: Leaders of Muslim League and Communist leaders have major investment.

Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar.
Gujarat riots which took place in 2002 where Hindus were burnt alive,  Rajdeep Sardesai and Bharkha Dutt working for NDTV at that time got around 5 Million Dollars from Saudi Arabia to cover only Muslim victims, which they did very faithfully... Not a single Hindu family was interviewed or shown on TV whose near and dear ones had been burnt alive, it is reported.

Tarun Tejpal of < Tehelka.com regularly gets blank cheques from Arab countries to target BJP and Hindus only, it is said.

Malyayamanorama and the Deepika are owned by CIA and locally represented by Kerala  Christians

The ownership explains the control of media in India by foreigners. The result is obvious.

yiwu zhejiang china night market sept, 2012 snacks selling van in this.

night market in yiwu china in my china visit in sept 2012 , specially see the van selling icecream and snacks with a bit tv screen in it.  these people knows how to sell the goods.

this video was made during my china visit to see my son, who works as a buying agent there in sept.2012.   viewers are encouraged to ask questions personally , as our start-up india academy wants to help every entrepreneur to develop business.  this asking is free and without any obligation on any side.  our phone no. is +91 9810890743 in delhi, india. 

yiwu town in china and its famous futian market which is the beggining o...

this video was made during my china visit to see my son, who works as a buying agent there in sept.2012. this clip of 2.19 minute shows a house in yiwu, making indian food then going to futian mall , and indian restaurants and yiwu in night. viewers are encouraged to ask questions personally , as our start-up india academy wants to help every entrepreneur to develop business. this asking is free and without any obligation on any side. our phone no. is +91 9810890743 in delhi, india.