जंगल में एक गर्भवती हिरनी बच्चे को जन्म देने को थी । वो एकांत जगह की तलाश में घुम रही थी , कि उसे नदी किनारे ऊँची और घनी घास दिखी । उसे वो उपयुक्त स्थान लगा शिशु को जन्म देने के लिये ।
वहां पहुँचते ही उसे प्रसव पीडा शुरू हो गयी ।
उसी समय आसमान में घनघोर बादल वर्षा को आतुर हो उठे और बिजली कडकने लगी ।
उसने दाये देखा , तो एक शिकारी तीर का निशाना , उस की तरफ साध रहा था । घबराकर वह दाहिने मुड़ी , तो वहां एक भूखा शेर, झपटने को तैयार बैठा था । सामने सूखी घास आग पकड चुकी थी और पीछे मुड़ी , तो नदी में जल बहुत था।
मादा हिरनी क्या करती ? वह प्रसव पीडा से व्याकुल थी। अब क्या होगा ? क्या हिरनी जीवित बचेगी ? क्या वो अपने शावक को जन्म दे पायेगी ? क्या शावक जीवित रहेगा ?
क्या जंगल की आग सब कुछ जला देगी ? क्या मादा हिरनी शिकारी के तीर से बच पायेगी ?क्या मादा हिरनी भूखे शेर का भोजन बनेगी ?
वो एक तरफ आग से घिरी है और पीछे नदी है। क्या करेगी वो ?
हिरनी अपने आप को शून्य में छोड़ , अपने बच्चे को जन्म देने में लग गयी । कुदरत का कारिष्मा देखिये । बिजली चमकी और तीर छोडते हुए , शिकारी की आँखे चौंधिया गयी । उसका तीर हिरनी के पास से गुजरते , शेर की आँख में जा लगा , शेर दहाडता हुआ इधर उधर भागने लगा । और शिकारी , शेर को घायल ज़ानकर भाग गया । घनघोर बारिश शुरू हो गयी और जंगल की आग बुझ गयी । हिरनी ने शावक को जन्म दिया ।
*हमारे जीवन में भी कभी कभी कुछ क्षण ऐसे आते है , जब हम चारो तरफ से समस्याओं से घिरे होते हैं और कोई निर्णय नहीं ले पाते । तब सब कुछ नियति के हाथों सौंपकर अपने उत्तरदायित्व व प्राथमिकता पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करना चाहिए । अन्तत: यश , अपयश , हार , जीत , जीवन , मृत्यु का अन्तिम निर्णय ईश्वर करता है । हमें उस पर विश्वास कर उसके निर्णय का सम्मान करना चाहिए ।*
कुछ लोग हमारी *सराहना* करेंगे ,
कुछ लोग हमारी *आलोचना* करेंगे ।
दोनों ही मामलों में हम *फायदे* में हैं ,
एक हमें *प्रेरित* करेगा और
दूसरा हमारे भीतर *सुधार* लाएगा ।।
*_अच्छा सोचें_*👌
*_सच्चा सोचें_*
About Import Training.
🍁There are a lot of enquiries to know what is this".Start-up India Academy " ❓
🌷 स्टार्टअप इंडिया हेल्प ग्रुप दिल्ली 🍁
First major point is that Import Business is very profitable and very easy business.
ROI = Return on Investment is more then 10 to 20 % Per month. I.e. 10 to 20 lakh on the investment of one crore per month and one crore profit on 5 crore investment.
And it is very easy to learn by our consulting Academy in Delhi.
Details are given below.
यह एक कंसलटेंसी है जो इंपोर्ट करने वालों को हेल्प करती है फोन पर सारी जानकारी फ्री है
this is a import consultancy where we give jump start to persons who already know import business and to those who do not know anything about imports.
We have programme of workshops for the benefits of aspirants who want to learn Imports and exports.
🇬🇾 BENEFITS of this workshop;
· 🚩 Practical understanding Case Studies + Sharing Practical Experience from Concern Expert
· 🚩 To Start Your Own Export Import Business or May Work as Export Import Consultant
·🚩 Opportunities for Jobs in Exclusive Export Import Organizations, Shipping Line / Air Line, Banking @National & International
There are four levels of workshop :
1. Gold level . 1.3 hr it's one time registration is 2100.
2. Diamond level. 3 for starting own business; 5100.
3. For opening own franchise in your town : 11,000.
4. For corporate training: 21,000.
For exact slot on desired day , pay by paytm in advance.
For reservation
Contact Director
after one registration you join this group for ever . all Consultancy you get regular guidance from us after doing these workshops.
you can start business within a month after joining this group . all information on phone will be given free of cost .
Following are some video clips regarding import you can get an idea from them.
Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :
This is a 30 min. interview at tatasky about srimadbhagwad gita ki by ashok Gupta.
Ship loading
This video is about scrap metal loading in a ship at a UK sea port
How to save from common frauds in Imports:
One sample workshop about Imports:
There is a program to open franchise in all the major cities and towns of India. Those want to open the franchise in their city and town may also contact us :
Ashok Gupta
Program Director
import and Portfolio Consultants
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India
phone and WhatsApp : +91 9 8 1 0 8 9 0 7 4 3
please don't hesitate to call all calls are welcome an d answered properly . Hare Krishna
About Import Training.
🍁There are a lot of enquiries to know what is this".Start-up India Academy " ❓
🌷 स्टार्टअप इंडिया हेल्प ग्रुप दिल्ली 🍁
First major point is that Import Business is very profitable and very easy business.
ROI = Return on Investment is more then 10 to 20 % Per month. I.e. 10 to 20 lakh on the investment of one crore per month and one crore profit on 5 crore investment.
And it is very easy to learn by our consulting Academy in Delhi.
Details are given below.
यह एक कंसलटेंसी है जो इंपोर्ट करने वालों को हेल्प करती है फोन पर सारी जानकारी फ्री है
this is a import consultancy where we give jump start to persons who already know import business and to those who do not know anything about imports.
We have programme of workshops for the benefits of aspirants who want to learn Imports and exports.
🇬🇾 BENEFITS of this workshop;
· 🚩 Practical understanding Case Studies + Sharing Practical Experience from Concern Expert
· 🚩 To Start Your Own Export Import Business or May Work as Export Import Consultant
·🚩 Opportunities for Jobs in Exclusive Export Import Organizations, Shipping Line / Air Line, Banking @National & International
There are four levels of workshop :
1. Gold level . 1.3 hr it's one time registration is 2100.
2. Diamond level. 3 for starting own business; 5100.
3. For opening own franchise in your town : 11,000.
4. For corporate training: 21,000.
For exact slot on desired day , pay by paytm in advance.
For reservation
Contact Director
after one registration you join this group for ever . all Consultancy you get regular guidance from us after doing these workshops.
you can start business within a month after joining this group . all information on phone will be given free of cost .
Following are some video clips regarding import you can get an idea from them.
Here is a series of 5 videos of a interview about import business :
This is a 30 min. interview at tatasky about srimadbhagwad gita ki by ashok Gupta.
Ship loading
This video is about scrap metal loading in a ship at a UK sea port
How to save from common frauds in Imports:
One sample workshop about Imports:
There is a program to open franchise in all the major cities and towns of India. Those want to open the franchise in their city and town may also contact us :
Ashok Gupta
Program Director
import and Portfolio Consultants
153 Vivek Vihar Delhi India
phone and WhatsApp : +91 9 8 1 0 8 9 0 7 4 3
please don't hesitate to call all calls are welcome an d answered properly . Hare Krishna