56 years, graduate, married, with two unmarried children, a girl and a boy.
I live in delhi , 120 kilometer from vrindavan.
I am in import and export business. And dairy consultancy.
My passion is to grow Indian culture, scriptures, like bhagwadgita, Ramayana etc. any body who wishes to help in this , is most welcome.
We have regular on line classes on sri bhagwadgita, any body can join them through skype.com , and have regular interactive discussion.
To know properly , go to the link :
ashok dasanu das
(ashok gupta)
५६ वर्ष , स्नातक, विवाहित, दो अविवाहित बच्चे, एक लरकी, एक लरका.
निवास-दिल्ली, वृन्दावन से १२० किलोमीटर ,
काम: आयात-निर्यात, और गो-शाला प्रबंधन सलाहकार .
उद्देश्य: भारतीय संस्कृति, शाश्त्रों को बारावा जैसे रामचरितमानस, श्री गीता जी , इसमें हर व्यक्ति का मन, वचन, कर्म, से सहयोग प्रार्थनीय व सर माथे पर है .
विशेष : श्री गीता को पढ़ने वाले हर रोज कम्पुटर पर गीता के श्लोक सीख सकते हैं. व प्रश्न पूछ सकते हैं.
विस्तार से जानने के लिए इस लिंक पर जाएँ :
अशोक गुप्ता
56 years, graduate, married
with two unmarried children a girl and a boy.
i think there should be a comma after married..kai bar socha aap se bolu but socha bura na man jayen..
it seems like
married with two unmarried children a girl and a boy.
sorry for indicating the same
धन्यवाद आशुतोष जी,
कमी तो कोई अपना ही बताता है, और तो केवल हँसते हैं.
इससे बहुत अच्छा लगा,
मिलने का ख्याल बनाये रखना.
कैसे हो श्रीमान जी
सब आपकी शुभकामनाओं से प्रभु की कृपा है.
आपके दर्शनों की अभिलाषा है .
I am an Engineering student pursuing Bachelors from Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad.
I believe in the very existence of GOD.I occasionally blog too. I would like to listen the online class on Bhagwat GITA, how can I do the same. It would be very kind of you if you please inform me the same through mail.
Shobhit Puri
I am an Engineering student of Indian Institute of Information Technology, Alahabad. I believe in the very existence of GOD. I would like to hear the online classes of Bhagwat Gita sometime. Please guide me how can I do the same. I would also like to help spread our unique Indian culture.
Shobhit Puri
priya shobhit,
i felt very good that educated persons like you have interest in our age old, and ever new knowledge of sre bhagwad gita jee.
the idea came to you , itself shows, that now krishna has chosen you to be in his company. i will be only a catalyst or say road sign who will direct you to the right path, which you have to walk yourself.
second , most important thing i could not understand is why this gita attracts the genius of science. the previous expample is dr robert oppenheimer, who was the father of atomic bomb. gita jee was his life. you can see through google.
if for any reason you have got interest , then i appreciate your move, and this is very easy.
1. you just have to make a skype account.
2.give me your account name, and add my skype account name to your account , that is ashok.gupta004
3. tell me your approximate time when you want to sit for this. and we will organise with any other running class for you at that time.
4. call me at my phone no. 9810890743 any time, and give me your phone no. so that we can co-ordinate properly.
5. do you want this alone, or some other freinds also want to do it togethor. if you have a few friends of the similar interest, then it is easy as you can discuss on the points among your self.
wishing you a good and blissful time.
ashok gupta
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