दुधिया घास के करिश्मे miracles of euphorbia hirta

दुधिया घास के करिश्मे miracles of euphorbia hirta

अभी कुछ दिन पहले , मैं एक ८० वर्षिया महिला से मिला जो मेरी कालोनी में ही रहती हैं . वो पहले बहुत बीमार थीं. मैंने पूछा तो बोली , मैं बिलकुल ठीक हूं. मैंने कहा कैसे, तो उन्होंने , कहा दुधिया घास से. मैंने पूछा कि वो कैसी होती है , कहाँ मिलती है , तो हम जिस पार्क में खरे थे, वहीँ उन्होंने खर पतवार की तरह उगी हुई घास दिखा दी.

अब मैंने पूछा कैसे लेनी है, तो उन्होंने कहा उनकी कमर में दिक्कत थी , सीधे खरी नहीं हो पाती थीं. उन्होंने केवल इसे पीस कर दो बार लगाया.

मैंने उनसे इसके बारे में और जानकारी चाही तो उन्होंने इसका वैज्ञानिक नाम पता कर के दे दिया. फिर तो मैं और कम्प्यूटर जिंदाबाद .

इसके बारे में और क्या कहूँ, सिर्फ इसका कम्प्यूटर नाम लिख देता हूं शेष आप करें. और क्या क्या फायदे हैं.

इसका नाम : हिंदी : दूधिया घास , वैज्ञानिक नाम : euphorbia hirta

एक साईट यह ढूंड पाया हूं, पर इन्टरनेट पर तो हजारों साईट हैं.

यदि किसी का कोई प्रश्न हो तो निसंकोच फोन पर भी पूंछ सकते हैं . क्योंकि श्री गीता जी के अध्याय १२ श्लोक ४ के अनुसार कुछ भला करने का निमित्त बन जाएँ , ऐसा मौका छोरना नहीं चैहिये .

ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रताः॥१२- ४॥
सभी प्राणीयों के हितकर, वे भी मुझे ही प्राप्त करते हैं।

पर यह ध्यान रखना परेगा कि ये दवाएं तो निमित्त मात्र हैं, ठीक करने वाला तो इश्वर ही है.

धन्यवाद , अशोक गुप्ता , दिल्ली , फोन : 98 10 89 07 43

just a few days back , i have come across an old lady of about 80 years in my locality. she told her miraculous experiences with this commonly available herb. she told me how to recognise this , and i found that this is growing all over the parks in my place.
you can go through this link and if you need to know anything , you are most welcome.

ठीक करने वाले का चित्र :
क्या यह डाक्टर लगता है !

देसी विदेशी , एक मनोरंजक चर्चा.

चर्चा शुरू हुई : इस विषय से :

ॐ सनातन परमोधर्म ॐ जो लोग भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद का दंभ भरते हैं और पाखंड रचते हैं, वे भी आज वृहत्तर भारत और अखंड भारत की हितचिंता से कोई सरोकार नहीं रखते और विदेशियों का साथ देते आसानी से देखे जा सकते हैं।

फिर होते होते यहाँ तक पहुंची .
आदरणीय डा साहिब,

आपके देश प्रेम के सामने मैं नतमस्तक हूं.

मेरा निवेदन इतना मात्र था , कि जीविका के लिए मैं जरूर विदेश व्यापार कर रहा हूं, पर यथासंभव अपने देश का लाभ ही ऊपर रखने का प्रयास रहता है, अपना माल अधिक से अधिक मूल्य पर बेचना व उनकी चीजें कम कीमत पर लाने का प्रयास ही रहता है , और मैं यह व्यापार करके यथासंभव देश के मुनाफे को गलत लोगों के हाथों से बचाने का प्रयास ही करता हूं.

पर सरकारी लोग व नेता हमारे जैसे लाख प्रयासों को अपने एक सोदे से ही बराबर कर देते हैं.

इसके लिए हमें सब लोगों को जागरूक करना परेगा .

जब तक आप जैसे बुद्धिजीवी आगे नहीं आयेंगे , इस देश को बचाना कठिन है .

अशोक गुप्ता,
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2011/5/30 Dr shyam gupt <drshyamgupta44@gmail.com>
स्वयं का विदेश से व्यापार करना या विदेशी वस्तुयें जो आपके पास उपलब्ध नहीं हैं उनका प्रयोग करना ( यद्यपि यथासम्भव विदेशी वस्तुओं के प्रयोग से बचना चाहिये) एक अलग बात है..... विदेशी कम्पनी जो अपने यहां आकर धन्धा कर रही है वह तो आपके देश के धन का शोषण करती ही है और कुछ हिस्सा आपको देती है अत: निश्चित ही आप भी भागीदार हुए....निश्चय ही आपने सही कहा...यद्यपि एलोपथिक दवायें सब देश में ही बनती हैं...एलोपथिक ग्यान का उपयोग होता है...परन्तु वास्तव में ही यह आदर्श स्थिति नहीं है......हमें निश्चय ही आयुर्वेदिक तन्त्र का विकास करना चाहिये जिससे अरबों-अरबों की मुद्रा की बचत होगी.....परन्तु यह आज़ादी से पहले की व तुरन्त बाद बात है जब हमारे पास अधिक विकल्प नहीं थी और हम तीब्र विकास के राही थे.....आज स्थित अलग है हम विदेशी वस्तुयें...धन...सन्स्क्रिति...विचार...कम्पनियों को बाहर का रास्ता दिखा सकते हैं..
आदरणीय डॉक्टर साहिब ,

यदि मेरी कम्पनी विदेश व्यापार करती है , तो इसमें गलत क्या है , हमारी सेनाएं बिना विदेशी हथियारों के बेकार हैं. आपकी कार में विदेशी पट्रोल डलता है . यह जी मेल विदेशियों के द्वारा चलाया जा रहा है .

यदि आप डाक्टर हैं तो विदेशी दवाइयों से ही इलाज कर रहे होंगें.

मेरा फोन नं . ९८१०८ ९०७४३ है, यदि आप देना चाहे तो अपना नंबर लिखिए, तो चर्चा करके शायद में कुछ जान पाऊं , जो मुझे अभी तक ज्ञात नहीं है .

अशोक गुप्ता
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2011/5/29 Dr shyam gupt <drshyamgupta44@gmail.com>
आपके पते व पद वर्णन से नहीं लगता कि आप स्वतण्त्र व्यापारी हैं अपितु बहुराष्ट्रीय कं में सेवा-योजित होने का भाव लगता है।

2011/5/29 arun gupta <richmond.intel@gmail.com>
आदरणीय डॉक्टर साहिब,

मैं पिछले ३० वर्षों से विदेशों के साथ व्यापर कर रहा हूं. विदेश व्यापार करना कोई देश को लुटाना नहीं है. सत्य नारायण की कथा में भी विदेश व्यापर का जिक्र है.

आपसे बात करके खुशी होगी .

अशोक गुप्ता

2011/5/26 Dr shyam gupt <drshyamgupta44@gmail.com>
-----आप स्वयं एक बहुराष्ट्रीय क. में कार्य रत होकर विदेशी कम्पनी को देश की सम्पदा समेटने में सहयोग दे रहे हैं.....

2011/5/25 arun gupta <richmond.intel@gmail.com>
आदरणीय डा साहिब

मैं समझा नहीं मेरी किस बात पर आपने यह कोममेंट्स किया है.


अशोक गुप्ता , दिल्ली

2011/5/24 Dr shyam gupt <drshyamgupta44@gmail.com>
Then why the hell you are working for a videshee firm...to help them to extrect money from your country by helping these corrupt people, to make them more corrupt.

2011/5/23 arun gupta <richmond.intel@gmail.com>

आदरणीय जमाल भाई ,

क्या इस विषय में आप अपने विचार लिखेंगे / भेजेंगे


अशोक गुप्ता

danger to hindus from muslims or from within themselves ?हिंदू को खतरा मुसल्मानूं से या हिंदुओं से

हिंदुओं को खतरा मुसलमानों से या अपने अंदर की मूर्खता से !

यह नीचे लिखा लेख हिंदुओं को मुसलमानों की बढ़ती आबादी से खतरे के बारे में है.

मगर मेरा यहाँ कहना है कि मुसलमानों में कितने आतंकवादी होंगें.

वे कितना नुक्सान कर पाएंगे .

मगर, ये जो नेता और I A S की फ़ौज हिंदुओं व देश का नुक्सान कर रही है , वह तो मुसलमानों के नुक्सान के आगे नगण्य है.

आप क्या कहते हैं.

दूसरा सबसे बार नुक्सान उस जनता से है जो नाम से , पैदाइश से , तो हिंदू है , पर न तो वो हिंदू हैं . न मुसलमान , वे केवल हिंदुइ़त के नाम पर कलंक हैं.

न तो वो हिंदू के हैं , न देश के.

वे अपनी खुद की हवस के लिए , हिंदुओं को , अपने देश को , अपने जमीर को ( जो है ही नहीं ) बेचे हुए हैं.

ये कलमाड़ी , राजा , करूणानिधि , उसी प्रकार के जैचंद व हिंदू हैं.

इसका इलाज यह है कि यदि कुछ बुद्धिजीवी हिंदू संत या नेता बचे हों तो वे हिंदुओं को वास्तविक हिंदू बनाने का अभियान युद्ध स्तर पर छेरें .

और इन हिंदुओं से मुसलमानों को डरने की जरूरत न होगी. क्योंकि उन हिंदुओं का विश्वास अपने असली धर्म , में , भगवान में, श्री गीता जी में होगा .

जो कहती है कि अन्याय, अत्याचार नहीं सहेंगे , मगर हर जीव में भगवान को देखेंगे. (गीता अध्याय ५ श्लोक १८ :

विद्याविनयसंपन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि।
शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः॥५- १८॥

ज्ञानमंद व्यक्ति एक विद्या विनय संपन्न ब्राह्मण को, गाय को, हाथी को, कुत्ते को
और एक नीच व्यक्ति को, इन सभी को समान दृष्टि से देखता है।

आप क्या कहते हैं, मैं कितना गलत हूं !

May 21, 2011 at 7:09 am

1) One hindu currupt leader, beurocrat is harming hindus, and this country more than all the muslim terrorist togethor.

why forget they are the real danger to this hindu nation and its existence.

and why they are so extremely currupt because they do not know the realilty of their own relegion.

if they know / understand the basic scripture like sree gita , they will not be probably such a big danger to hindus of hindustan.

2) Every hindu home in India and abroad is producing an army of hindus every day. who are ignorant , and foolish hindus, who do not know what a hindu is, they do not have any pride as hindus, every day.

what even if they become even 99 %.

we are just ignoring the need to educate the hindus about their own relegion.

3) I know a lot of elite hindus, money peopple, staunce hindus, who do not hesitate to write christian in the admission form of their children, for admission in a famous missionary school , if they are asked for it.

and when i knew it from them, and said, is this right, then they said with pride and cleverly smile, see how i fooled the christians.

any comments ?

5) in my personal view :

the danger to hindus is not from the rising number of muslims or any other community, but from the ignorant hindus, who are foolish, self-centred view towards their own relegion.

even if the hindus become 99 % overnight, the muslims will rule them eventually.

history is the witness that , when muslims ruled india they were less then 1%.

when british ruled india they were even less than 0.1% of the population.

i am a vigilant ,widely travelled internationally, educated, upper middle class, businessman, urban hindu, of age 57 and till this age i never had any urge or interest in knowing what is written in my scriptures, and i was a big-mouth for the nation and hinduism.

now also knows a lot of mature hindu big mouths, around me, leaders, relegious leaders, beaurocrats, big-big businessmen who has never gone through any of hindu scriptrue, they do not know even one shloka from ramayan or sri gita jee. some of them has seen a part of ramayana serial or mahabharat. that is it.

so blame should not be on quantity but on quality also.

would like to be corrected from the hindu intellect.

thanks and regards
ashok gupta, delhi, india

अखंड भारत के और खंड और सरकार की एवं देश की आँखे बंद, कवितायेँ चालू हैं .

नीचे दिखाया चित्र गूगल के द्वारा दिखाया गया है , इस पर कहीं कोई टिपण्णी नहीं , मैच , व कवितायेँ बदस्तूर चालु हैं.

मेरा बचा हुआ भ्रस्ताचार त्रस्त भारत महान है. और उससे भी महान हैं यहाँ के नेता व ब्लोगिए .

Distortion of Indian Map by 'Google Analytics'

Dear Indians,

Please participate in online signature drive against India Map distortion

Appeal to Patriotic Indians

A patriotic Indian has brought to our notice that Google Analytics has depicted incorrect map of India in its application. As it is evident from the image shown alongside, Google has not shown Jammu & Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh and Lakshadweep Islands in the domain of India. Jammu & Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh and Lakshadweep Islands are integral parts of India and by publishing such a map Google has hurt the sentiments of billions of patriotic Indians and has committed serious national crime. It is the duty of all patriotic Indians to protest lawfully against this act of Google, so that it stop this deliberate distortion of India's borders and also it tenders a public apology for hurting the national sentiments of billions of Indians.

Also Google is playing double game with Indians. It shows correct map of India in its Indian website : http://maps.google.co.in But it shows incorrect map of India in its all other websites, for example : http://maps.google.com

Please participate in the Signature Drive against 'Google' to stop the insult of our beloved country 'India' :


हाय महा शोक ! मेरे जर्मन दोस्त मार्गदर्शक मधुकर / Swami Madhukar aka Swami Dhyan Hareesh (Berthold Happle-Thompson) का देहांत

प्रिय मित्रों

मैं इस ब्लॉग के द्वारा आपको मेरे महाशोक में सम्मिलित करना चाहता हूँ .

१९८४ में जब मैंने जर्मनी रहता था , तब वो मेरे अभिन्न मित्र थे .

मैंने उनसे बहुत कुछ सीखा

३ साल से भारत में वेदान्त का अध्यन कर रहे थे.

२३ मई को ऊटी के पास एक्सीडेंट में उनका देहांत हो गया.

मैं खुद एक गीता का एवं वेदांत का विद्यार्थी होने के नाते , चूँकि आत्मा अमर है , मुझे शोक नहीं होना चाइए था , मगर शोक हो रहा है इसका अर्थ यह हुआ कि जो मैंने पढ़आ है वह केवल किताबी ज्ञान है. उसे मैं जीवन में नहीं उतार पाया.

ईश्वर उनको अपने गोलोक वृन्दावन धाम में जगह दें, हम्मारी यही प्रार्थना है.

नीचे लिखा पत्र मेरे दूसरे जेर्मन मित्र जो आब U S A में रहते हैं , उनका है, और मारा उत्तर भी, जिससे मुझे इस हादसे का पता चला , और दिल की दिल मैं ही रह गई .

Dear Ashok-bhai,
I am conveying sad news to you. Our beloved friend Madhu has left us and this earthly plane.
When we feel grief the thin veil that separates us from the spiritual life is removed. The good news is that Madhu is alive and present in our hearts.
* * * * * *
Bernard Mohan Fickert
P.O Box 80210
Haiku, HI 96708
572-3520 h • 575-7696 w • 264-2399 c

"Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream;
Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream.
So is all conditioned existence to be seen."

The Diamond Sutra

From: Bernard Mohan Fickert <graceoflife2002@yahoo.com>

Swami Madhukar aka Swami Dhyan Hareesh
(Berthold Happle-Thompson)
June 22, 1949 – May 23, 2011

Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Bodhi Svaha

Gone, Gone, Gone beyond Gone utterly beyond
Gone, Gone, Gone beyond Gone utterly beyond
Gone, Gone, Gone beyond Gone utterly beyond
Oh what an Awakening

(The Heart Sutra)

Dear Friends,

This to let you know that Swami Madhukar was involved in a fatal traffic accident yesterday. In an email from a couple of days ago he wrote “All is well. Today I will visit Outy on my scooter (100 km), a cool Hill Station- it is 34 degrees Celsius here”.
This morning I was informed that his scooter collided with a another vehicle and that he passed on at the scene of the accident.

Madhu lived in Ainakatti (Tamil Nadu), he felt at home in his chosen “Motherland India”. He had committed to a 3-year Vedanta study at Swami Dhayananda’s ashram (http://www.arshavidya.org/home.html) and was devoted to the spiritual life. His body was cremated on a funeral pyre ashes will be scattered at the ashram.
Tonight at 6:30 we will have a Osho Live Music Satsang at The Studio Maui.

This will be free event; I am inviting everybody on Madhu’s behalf to celebrate his life and death and to hold him in the light. I look forward to seeing you there so we can give Madhu the kind of send off he will enjoy!

Bernard Mohan Fickert

Whoever may have died right now… each death is your death, because each death is a reminder that you are not going to be here forever. Each death is an opportunity to be awake. Before death comes use the opportunity of life to attain something which is beyond death.
The secret is, start living more fully, more totally. Be more alert so that you can find within yourself something that is unreachable by death. That is the only shelter, the only security, the only safety. And if you want to help your friends and family, let them become aware of this secret.
A man of realization knows there is no death. Death is a fiction, you have never died. Yes, you have changed your form many times. You have changed your house many times, many times. But you have never died...

My sannyasins celebrate death too, because to me death is not the end of life but the very crescendo of life, the very climax. It is the ultimate of life.
If your life was of meditativeness, awareness, witnessing, then you will be able to witness death too. If your whole life you remained cool, centered in different situations, death will give you the ultimate challenge, the ultimate test. And if you can remain centered, calm and cool and watching, then you will not die an unconscious death, your death will bring you to the ultimate peak of consciousness. And then, certainly, it HAS to be celebrated. So whenever one of my sannyasins dies, we celebrate, we dance, we sing. We give him a good farewell.

Sannyasins celebrate death because they celebrate life. And death is not against life; it does not end life, it only brings life to a beautiful peak. Life continues even after death. It was there before birth, it is going to continue after death. Life is not confined to the small space that exists between birth and death; on the contrary, births and deaths are small episodes in the eternity of life.

We celebrate everything. Celebration is our way to receive all the gifts from God. Life is his gift, death is his gift; the body is his gift, the soul is his gift. We celebrate everything. We love the body, we love the soul. We are materialist spiritualists. Nothing like this has ever happened in the world. This is a new experiment, a new beginning, and it has a great future.

During the days of "Poona 1" Hareesh (his Osho sannyas name) had written a note which Osho responded to during morning discourse. It is part of the Volume "The Great Pilgrimage from Here to Here", Chapter 8.

my reply :
dear mohan,

unbelievable !

all this time , i was thinking , he is in india, he is into the subject , which is everything for me. one day very soon i will meet him here, it is so easy, but .........he betrayed.

just i should have said these things to him, but we are so egoistic, we fear in saying even good things to each other. now i will not stop myself.

you two were always my idol, since i met you,

you both are so natural, lovable, humourous, friendly, and what not. it is a big personal loss to me.

you know he sent me 5 books to go through, a few months back, and often guiding me in my spritual endevours.

according to my vedanta information, body is just not important, and soul never dies. so there should be no reason for any sorrow.

but since, i have only studied these things, and not able to assimilate, i feel a lot of sorrow, because of my wishes , which were to enjoy, his company.

i should not be sad , as a test of my spiritual level, but i admit , i have failed and i am really very sad.

and about him, his connections to me, no body , here knows, except you. you are my only living witness and chandrika also, you two are my only witnesses, and i want to cry like anything,

his leaving the body, makes me press hard to think seriously about my superficial spritual infromation and not the knowledge.

you are right, he is ever living in our memories. but sometime i think, if again i could not met him , through you, i would not get a chance to know of his passing away, and i would not have been sad.

now what is the use of these things to me or anybody.

this is the best thought to ease me, according to vedanta, every person is a non-dying soul, covered by a dying body, and takes another body, dies and this cycle goes on till infinity. and in this way we all have met and seperated thousand times, so not a big deal.


ashok gupta

लाम के जैसे हैं गेसू मेरे घनश्याम के

चित्र केवल कुंची व रंगों से ही नहीं बनते, शब्दों से भी बनते हैं.

मुझे यह शेर बहुत अच्छा लगता है,

इसके बारे में बहुत कुछ कहा जाता है , कि किसने लिखा, और वास्तविक शब्द संयोजन क्या है.

पर कैसे भी कहो , अर्थ बहुत ही खूबसूरत है . शेर है :

लाम से गेसू हैं मेरे घनश्याम के

काफ़िर हैं वो जो आशिक नहीं इस-लाम के

इस शेर का मजा लाम शब्द के दो उपयोगों में है , जैसा कि नीचे बताया है :-

उर्दू में “लाम” अक्षर (यानि हिन्दी का “ल”) ل के आकार का होता है। भगवान कृष्ण के गेसू (बाल) भी इसी आकार में मुड़ कर घुंघराले दिखते हैं। ताज बीबी ने “इस्लाम” की जगह “इस लाम” का प्रयोग करके सारा अर्थ ही बदल दिया!

* उर्दू में लाम ل के आकार का होता है कृष्ण के बाल** भी इसी तरह मुड़े हुए थे.

Saras Darbari
किस्सा कुछ यूँ है...
एक मशहूर हिन्दू शायर"चकबस्त" को एक महफ़िल में शरीक होने के लिए न्योता दिया गया. वहां पहुंचकर उन्हें काफिये से काफिया मिलकर शेर पढना था...और काफिया था"वह सभी काफ़िर हैं जो बन्दे नहीं, इस्लाम के"...वहां वे अकेले हिन्दू थे ...उन्होंने कुछ पल सोचा और बोले "की लाम की मांनिंद हैं गेसू मेरे घनश्याम के (लाम याने हुक के शेप के) तो...
लाम की मानिंद हैं गेसू मेरे घनश्याम के ..
और वह सभी 'काफ़िर'हैं , जो बन्दे नहीं 'इस लाम' के...
उनकी हाज़िर जवाबी से सब सकते मैं आ गए ...और चकबस्त जी अपने इस शेर से मशहूर हो गए !

Kavita Kosh ‎@Saras Darbari... यह बात सही है कि इस शे’र को एक तरही मुशायरे में रचा गया था... लेकिन यह शे’र ताज बीबी का रचा हुआ माना जाता है... कुछ जगह इसके रचयिता चकबस्त भी माने गए हैं -लेकिन अधिकांश लोग ताज बीबी के नाम पर सहमत हैं

एक आध और भी , और यदि मांग हुई तो कुछ दुमानी शेर भी लिख सकता हूं .

om jai jagdeesh hare ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

Om Jai Jagdish Hare is the most popular of the Hindu aartis. Composed sometime around 1870s by Pandit Shardha Ram Phillauri in Punjab, India , now it is sung around the world by Hindus of all background. Even though it is in Hindi, it is universally used by Hindus speaking any of the numerous Indian languages, or belonging to any one of many sects. It may have been inspired by Dashavatara (दशावतार कीर्ति धवलम्) section of Gita Govinda of Jayadeva, a lyrical composition of 12th century, which has the same refrain:

The prayer is sung at the time of aarti

(Source: Wikipedia)


ॐ जय जगदीश हरे, स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे .
भक्त जनों के संकट, क्षण में दूर करे ..

जो ध्यावे फल पावे, दुख बिनसे मन का .
सुख सम्पति घर आवे, कष्ट मिटे तन का ..

मात पिता तुम मेरे, शरण गहूं मैं किसकी .
तुम बिन और न दूजा, आस करूं मैं जिसकी ..

तुम पूरण परमात्मा, तुम अंतरयामी .
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर, तुम सब के स्वामी ..

तुम करुणा के सागर, तुम पालनकर्ता .
मैं सेवक तुम स्वामी, कृपा करो भर्ता ..

तुम हो एक अगोचर, सबके प्राणपति .
किस विधि मिलूं दयामय, तुमको मैं कुमति ..

दीनबंधु दुखहर्ता, तुम रक्षक मेरे .
करुणा हस्त बढ़ाओ, द्वार पड़ा तेरे ..

विषय विकार मिटाओ, पाप हरो देवा .
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ, संतन की सेवा ..

तन-मन-धन सब है तेरा ।
तेरा तुझको अर्पण, क्या लागे मेरा ॥


Om Jaye Jagdish Hare,
Swami Jaye Jagdish Hare
Bhakt Jano Ke Sankat,
Khshan Mein Dur Kare …

JoDhaywe Phal Pave,
Dukh Vinshe Man Ka
Sukh Sampati Ghar Aave,
Kasht Mite Tan Ka …

Maat-Pita Tum Mere,
Sharan Gahun Kiskee
Tum Bin Aur Na Duja,
Aas Karun Jiskee …

Tum Puran Parmatma,
Tum Antaryami
Par-Brahm Parmeshwar,
Tum Sabke Swami …

Tum Karuna Ke Saagar,
Tum Palankarta
Mein Moorakh Khal Kami,
Mein Sewak Tum Swami,
Kripa Karo Bharta …

Tum Ho Ek Agochar,
Sabke Pran Pati
Kis Vidhi Milun Dayamay,
Tumko Mein Kumti …

Deenbandhu Dukh Harta,
Thakur Tum Mere
Apne Hath Badao,
Apni Sharan Lagao,
Dwar Para Tere …

Vishay Vikaar Mitao,
Paap Haro Deva
Shradha Bhakti Barao,
Santan Ki Sewa …

Tan Man Dhan,
Sab Hai Tera
Tera Tujhko Arpan,
Kya Lage Mera …

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in singing words and style

ॐ जय जगदीश हरे
स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे
भक्त जनों के संकट,
दास जनों के संकट,
क्षण में दूर करे,
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

जो ध्यावे फल पावे,
दुख बिनसे मन का
स्वामी दुख बिनसे मन का
सुख सम्मति घर आवे,
सुख सम्मति घर आवे,
कष्ट मिटे तन का
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

मात पिता तुम मेरे,
शरण गहूं मैं किसकी
स्वामी शरण गहूं मैं किसकी .
तुम बिन और न दूजा,
तुम बिन और न दूजा,
आस करूं मैं जिसकी
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

तुम पूरण परमात्मा,
तुम अंतरयामी
स्वामी तुम अंतरयामी
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर,
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर,
तुम सब के स्वामी
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

तुम करुणा के सागर,
तुम पालनकर्ता
स्वामी तुम पालनकर्ता,
मैं मूरख खल कामी
मैं सेवक तुम स्वामी,
कृपा करो भर्ता
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

तुम हो एक अगोचर,
सबके प्राणपति,
स्वामी सबके प्राणपति,
किस विधि मिलूं दयामय,
किस विधि मिलूं दयामय,
तुमको मैं कुमति
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

दीनबंधु दुखहर्ता,
ठाकुर तुम मेरे,
स्वामी ठाकुर तुम मेरे
अपने हाथ उठाओ,
अपने शरण लगाओ द्
वार पड़ा तेरे
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

षय विकार मिटाओ,
पाप हरो देवा,
स्वामी पाप हरो देवा,.
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ,
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ,
संतन की सेवा
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

‘ॐ जय जगदीश हरे
स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे
भक्त जनों के संकट,
दास जनों के संकट,
क्षण में दूर करे,
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

जो ध्यावे फल पावे,
दुख बिनसे मन का
स्वामी दुख बिनसे मन का
सुख सम्पति घर आवे,
सुख सम्पति घर आवे,
कष्ट मिटे तन का
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

मात पिता तुम मेरे,
शरण गहूं मैं किसकी
स्वामी शरण गहूं मैं किसकी
तुम बिन और न दूजा,
तुम बिन और न दूजा,
आस करूं मैं जिसकी
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

तुम पूरण परमात्मा,
तुम अंतरयामी
स्वामी तुम अंतरयामी
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर,
पारब्रह्म परमेश्वर,
तुम सब के स्वामी
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

तुम करुणा के सागर,
तुम पालनकर्ता
स्वामी तुम पालनकर्ता,
मैं मूरख खल कामी
मैं सेवक तुम स्वामी,
कृपा करो भर्ता
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

तुम हो एक अगोचर,
सबके प्राणपति,
स्वामी सबके प्राणपति, क
िस विधि मिलूं दयामय, क
िस विधि मिलूं दयामय,
तुमको मैं कुमति
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

दीनबंधु दुखहर्ता,
ठाकुर तुम मेरे,
स्वामी ठाकुर तुम मेरे
अपने हाथ उठाओ,
अपने शरण लगाओ द्
वार पड़ा तेरे
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

षय विकार मिटाओ,
पाप हरो देवा,
स्वमी पाप हरो देवा,
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ,
श्रद्धा भक्ति बढ़ाओ,
संतन की सेवा
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे

ॐ जय जगदीश हरे
स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे
भक्त जनों के संकट,
दास जनों के संकट,
क्षण में दूर करे,
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे’

ह्रदय बाइपास की जरुरत नहीं.

अभी कुछ दिन पहले , मोटापे से छुटकारा पाने के लिए , जयपुर के पास एक प्राकृतिक चिकित्सालय में गया, जो करीब ७० एकढ़ में बना है, और एक ट्रस्ट उसे चलाता है.

वहां रहेते रहते पता चला कि दुनिया का कोई रोग ऐसा नहीं है , जो उस चिकित्सा से ठीक न हो जाता हो, वह भी अधिक महंगा नहीं ,

बाइपास के रोगी तो बीस दिन में ठीक होकर दोर्हते हुए घर जाते हैं.

यदि चमत्कार को नमस्कार है तो वहां है.

कोई भी अधिक जानकारी देकर मुझे खुशी होगी.
अशोक गुप्ता दिल्ली

ह्रदय बाइपास की जरुरत नहीं.

danger to hindus from muslims or from within themselves ?हिंदू को खतरा मुसल्मानूं से या हिंदुओं से

हिंदुओं को खतरा मुसलमानों से या अपने अंदर की मूर्खता से !

यह नीचे लिखा लेख हिंदुओं को मुसलमानों की बढ़ती आबादी से खतरे के बारे में है.

मगर मेरा यहाँ कहना है कि मुसलमानों में कितने आतंकवादी होंगें.

वे कितना नुक्सान कर पाएंगे .

मगर, ये जो नेता और I A S की फ़ौज हिंदुओं व देश का नुक्सान कर रही है , वह तो मुसलमानों के नुक्सान के आगे नगण्य है.

आप क्या कहते हैं.

दूसरा सबसे बार नुक्सान उस जनता से है जो नाम से , पैदाइश से , तो हिंदू है , पर न तो वो हिंदू हैं . न मुसलमान , वे केवल हिंदुइ़त के नाम पर कलंक हैं.

न तो वो हिंदू के हैं , न देश के.

वे अपनी खुद की हवस के लिए , हिंदुओं को , अपने देश को , अपने जमीर को ( जो है ही नहीं ) बेचे हुए हैं.

ये कलमाड़ी , राजा , करूणानिधि , उसी प्रकार के जैचंद व हिंदू हैं.

इसका इलाज यह है कि यदि कुछ बुद्धिजीवी हिंदू संत या नेता बचे हों तो वे हिंदुओं को वास्तविक हिंदू बनाने का अभियान युद्ध स्तर पर छेरें .

और इन हिंदुओं से मुसलमानों को डरने की जरूरत न होगी. क्योंकि उनका विश्वास अपने असली धर्म , में , भगवान में, श्री गीता जी में होगा .

जो कहती है कि अन्याय, अत्याचार नहीं सहेंगे , मगर हर जीव में भगवान को देखेंगे. (गीता अध्याय ५ श्लोक १८ :

विद्याविनयसंपन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि।
शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः॥५- १८॥

ज्ञानमंद व्यक्ति एक विद्या विनय संपन्न ब्राह्मण को, गाय को, हाथी को, कुत्ते को
और एक नीच व्यक्ति को, इन सभी को समान दृष्टि से देखता है।

आप क्या कहते हैं, मैं कितना गलत हूं !


1) One hindu currupt leader, beurocrat is harming hindus, and this country more than all the muslim terrorist togethor.

why forget they are the real danger to this hindu nation and its existence.

and why they are so extremely currupt because they do not know the realilty of their own relegion.

if they know / understand the basic scripture like sree gita , they will not be probably such a big danger to hindus of hindustan.

2) Every hindu home in India and abroad is producing an army of hindus every day. who are ignorant , and foolish hindus, who do not know what a hindu is, they do not have any pride as hindus, every day.

what even if they become even 99 %.

we are just ignoring the need to educate the hindus about their own relegion.

3) I know a lot of elite hindus, money peopple, staunce hindus, who do not hesitate to write christian in the admission form of their children, for admission in a famous missionary school , if they are asked for it.

and when i knew it from them, and said, is this right, then they said with pride and cleverly smile, see how i fooled the christians.

any comments ?

5) in my personal view :

the danger to hindus is not from the rising number of muslims or any other community, but from the ignorant hindus, who are foolish, self-centred view towards their own relegion.

even if the hindus become 99 % overnight, the muslims will rule them eventually.

history is the witness that , when muslims ruled india they were less then 1%.

when british ruled india they were even less than 0.1% of the population.

i am a vigilant ,widely travelled internationally, educated, upper middle class, businessman, urban hindu, of age 57 and till this age i never had any urge or interest in knowing what is written in my scriptures, and i was a big-mouth for the nation and hinduism.

now also knows a lot of mature hindu big mouths, around me, leaders, relegious leaders, beaurocrats, big-big businessmen who has never gone through any of hindu scriptrue, they do not know even one shloka from ramayan or sri gita jee. some of them has seen a part of ramayana serial or mahabharat. that is it.

so blame should not be on quantity but on quality also.

would like to be corrected from the hindu intellect.

thanks and regards
ashok gupta, delhi, india

झूटे और बेकार बेईमान राजा, और कलमाड़ी जैसे हिंदुओं की फ़ौज से अच्छा है एक दो हिंदू विकेकानंद और प्रभुपाद की तरह हों.


Way out for the major declining of Hindu population in India

Posted by hinduexistence on May 20, 2011

Hindu population set to fall below 80% in Census 2011

Manika Premsingh and R Jagannathan || Courtesy : firstpost

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Hindus have among the lowest overall sex ratios and child sex ratios in the country as per Census 2001. Amit Dave/Reuters

Census 2011 is likely to throw up a psychologically important figure on India’s religious demographics. For the first time in over a century, the proportion of the Hindu population in the country will probably fall below the 80 percent mark — in keeping with the long-term trend of a significant divergence between Hindu and Muslim growth rates.

Demographers like Ashish Bose and SC Gulati have varying viewpoints on the subject. While Bose believes that “it is quite likely that the proportion will be below 80% in 2011”, Gulati says that “A secular trend cannot be predicted for religions based on past data”. The latter view is also backed by another Economic & Political Weekly (EPW) research paper “Hindu-Muslim Fertility Differentials”, which says: “It is true that a Hindu-Muslim differential in fertility persists in India’s demographic reality, but it is no more than one child. It is also not too large to swamp India’s Hindu majority in the foreseeable future. Nor is the gap likely to persist for a very long time as we find that the fertility level among Muslims declines with increasing level of education and standards of living. The faster increase in family planning among Muslims supports this conjecture”.

In a country where Hinduism is the majority religion, it is a unique trend that the proportion of Hindus has shown a secular decline since 1961, matched by a corresponding increase in the proportion of Muslims. While religion is a contentious issue to analyse at any point in time, it is equally imperative to analyse trends deeply enough to understand its socio-economic ramifications.

Firstpost is raising this issue not to pander to any scare-mongering among Hindus, but because it needs to be understood in the right context. As we await the Census 2011 results on religious demographics, we undertook an analysis of this trend and what it means for the future. Our detailed analysis indicates that while the population of Muslims is indeed growing faster than Hindus, this is only partly due to higher birth rates among them; Hindus, on the other had, also carry a responsibility for the trend in the form of lower longevity, as well as widespread prevalence of gender discrimination and higher mortality among children.

Explaining the trend
The proportion of Hindus has in the population shrunk from 83.4 percent in 1961 to 80.5 percent according to the 2001 census. This trend matches with an almost equivalent proportional rise among the Muslims — from 10.7 percent to 13.4 percent from 1961 to 2001 (and for this reason we also restrict our study to a comparative analysis between these two religions). A declining proportion of Hindus means either that the growth of Hindus is declining or that of other communities is rising. Or, as in this case, a combination of both. Decadal growth in the Hindu population has fallen to 19.3% compared with 23.8% in 1961, as per our estimates based on data from the National Minorities Commission and the Census of India 2001. In comparison, the growth in the Muslim population accelerated from 30.6% in 1961 to 34.6% in 2001. (Figures for religious demography in 2011 are yet to be made available).

For a country that has been battling the population problem for decades, while a decline in the proportion of Hindus has been flagged as a source of concern by religious organisations, to others it actually indicates social progression. It is seen as socially progressive since population growth depends on factors like fertility rates and birth rates. These, in turn, are influenced by social factors like literacy, in general, and female literacy, in particular, awareness about contraception methods, average age of marriage and the proportion of working women. Lower fertility and birth rates then are pointers to the development of societies as such.

The social factors
On some metrics, Hindus do perform better. According to estimates published in an EPW research paper on “District level fertility estimates for Hindus and Muslims” in 2005, Crude Birth Rates (CBR, as defined by number of births per 1,000 persons) for Muslims are a much higher at 30.8 as compared with the Hindu number of 24.9 and the all-India average of 25.9. This is also mirrored in a higher Muslim Total Fertility Rate (TFR, as defined by the number of children that would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her child-bearing years) of 4.1 as compared with 3.1 for Hindus and 3.2 for all India.

It is hard to overlook the fact that trends in birth rates and fertility rates are seen as commensurate with the expected trends for literacy, use of contraception and workforce participation, despite the differences in methodology of estimation and sources.

Hindu women have slightly higher literacy rates than Muslim women at 53.2 percent and 50.1 percent, respectively as per Census 2001, which has been considered as compared with Census 2011 to keep time periods comparable. Moreover, the last National Family Health Survey (NFHS) in 2005-06 found that while 57.8 percent of Hindus were using contraception, the figure was much lower at 45.7 percent among the Muslims — suggesting, at least in part, a greater awareness about use of family planning among the Hindus. We also observe a higher proportion for working women among the Hindus — at 27.5 percent, this is higher than even the all-India average of 25.6 percent, with the Jains, Muslims and Sikhs accounting for a lower than average proportion.
However, this is only half the story told.

The other side
True, the Hindu population growth has declined because of some social progression. However, Hindus also show dismal performance when it comes to other crucial social attributes, namely, focus on healthcare and gender bias. According to a study by the International Institute for Population Sciences, “Inequality in Human Development by Social and Economic Groups in India”, the life expectancy at birth for Hindus in 2005-06 was 65 years while it was higher at 68 years among Muslims. There is, of course, an element of economic prosperity here as well, with the gap between life expectancy for “poor” Hindus and Muslims being wider than that for the “non-poor” in the two communities. The overall point, however, remains, that at birth a Muslim has a chance of living longer than a Hindu.

This is clearly related to the fact that in childhood itself a higher proportion of Hindus die. Hindus have an infant mortality rate of 58.5, while the same rate among the Muslims is at 52.4, according to the National Family Health Survey (2005-06), where the infant mortality rate is defined as the probability of dying before the first birthday. Similarly, under-5 mortality is at a high of 76 compared with 70 for Muslims. This fact is also echoed in a research paper by the University of Bristol on “Religion and Childhood Death in India”, which says “Muslim children in India face substantially lower mortality risks than Hindu children. This is surprising because one would have expected just the opposite: Muslims have, on average, lower socio-economic status, higher fertility, shorter birth-spacing, and are a minority group in India that may be expected to live in areas that have relatively poor public provision.”

While it remains to be conclusively proved whether Muslims as such provide better healthcare, it has been pointed out that gender bias is one explanation for this trend. According to a 2004 research paper on “Religion and Fertility in India: The role of son preference and daughter aversion” by researchers at University of Ulster and University of Cambridge, “Muslim fertility in India may be higher than Hindu fertility, but we argue that an important, albeit neglected, issue is not that Muslims have more children than Hindus, but that they treat them better on account of significantly lower levels of daughter aversion.”

As per their estimates, male infant mortality rates (where infant mortality rate is defined as the number of infant deaths as a proportion of live births) among Hindus and Muslims are at 4.5 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively, but the difference in female infant mortality rates is much higher, with the rate among Hindus at 6.3 percent and that among Muslims at 4.6 percent, respectively. The numbers are further corroborated by the fact that Hindus have among the lowest overall sex ratios and child sex ratios in the country as per the Census 2001. The overall sex ratio is higher only than the Sikhs at 931, compared with the Muslims’ sex ratio at 936. The child-sex ratio for Hindus is even worse than Muslims at 925 as compared with 950 for Muslims. In Census 2011, the overall sex ratio has risen from 933 to 940, but the child-sex ratio has fallen from 927 to 914. The religion-wise breakup will be available only later.

Looking Ahead
So what do these trends mean for the future? That’s tough to say. While for now it might be difficult to know for sure how religious demographics will develop over the coming decades, what is clear is that it looks to be less about one religion’s growth versus the other, and more a reflection of serious demographic issues to be addressed by both.

Proportion of various religions in population : Sheet-1

ReligionNot stated0.
Source: National Commission on Minorities

Demographics by Religion : Table 2

All religious communitiesSex RatioSex Ratio 0-6 yrs.Proportion of Population in 0-6 yrs.Literacy RateFemale Literacy Rate




































Other Religions






Source: Census of India, 2001

Courtesy : http://www.firstpost.com/

Hindu Existence Solutions :

  • Marriage must be within age 25 for female and 30 for male Hindus.
  • At least THREE babies for every able rural couple and TWO babies for able urban couple.
  • One baby more considering the capable situation in the name of Dharma.
  • Strict negation and punishments for female foeticides.
  • Stress upon small business, self entrepreneurship, small village industries, group farming-cultivation for the maintenance of families, not relying upon services in public or private sectors.
  • Inter caste marriage under broad Hindu basis avoiding blood relations.
  • Accept and Marriage with the girls of other religions to mitigate the ill effect of Love Jihad.
  • Marriage without dowry and other superstitious prejudices.
  • Marriage to maintain divine life and the gaining the full strength of the Hindu society.
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One Response to “Way out for the major declining of Hindu population in India”

  1. in my personal view :

    the danger to hindus is not from the rising number of muslims or any other community, but from the ignorant, foolish, self-centred view towards their own relegion.

    even if they become, 90 % overnight, the muslims will rule them.

    history is the witness that , when muslims ruled india they were less then 1%.

    when british ruled india they were even less than 0.1% of the population.

    i am a vigilant ,widely travelled internationally, educated, upper middle class, businessman, urban hindu, of age 57 and till this age i never had any urge or interest in knowing what is written in my scriptures, and i was a big-mouth for the nation and hinduism.

    now also knows a lot of mature hindu big mouths, around me, leaders, relegious leaders, beaurocrats, big-big businessmen who has never gone through any of hindu scriptrue, they do not know even one shloka from ramayan or sri gita jee. some of them has seen a part of ramayana serial or mahabharat. that is it.

    so blame should not be on quantity but on quality also.

    would like to be corrected from the hindu intellect

    thanks and regards
    ashok gupta, delhi, india

    1. one hindu currupt leader, beurocrat is harming hindus, and this country more than all the muslim terrorist togethor.

      why forget they are the real danger to this hindu nation and its existence.

      and why they are so extremely currupt because they do not know the realilty of their own relegion.

      if they know / understand the basic scripture like sree gita , they will not be probably such a big danger to hindus of hindustan.

    2. every hindu home in India and abroad is producing an army of hindus every day. who are ignorant , and foolish hindus, who do not know what a hindu is, they do not have any pride as hindus, every day.

      what even if they become even 99 %.

      we are just ignoring the need to educate the hindus about their own relegion.

    3. i know a lot of elite hindus, money peopple, staunce hindus, who do not hesitate to write christian in the admission form of their children, for admission in a famous missionary school , if they are asked for it.

      and when i knew it from them, and said, is this right, then they said with pride and cleverly smile, see how i fooled the christians.

      any comments ?